Personal shopping
- by Lisa Mitchell

Did you know we offer no obligation personal shopping by pre arrangement either in shop hours or after closing?
You will have a dedicated member of staff on hand, with full knowledge of our collections who will offer great style advice, recommend outfit combinations and help you make the right choices. Whatever your reason, we can put a rail together for you to play around with and create a mini capsule that works for your lifestyle which you can build on season on season. Whether you’re a new mum, newly working from home/going back to the office, retiring, changed body shape or have simply lost your mojo when it comes to dressing (it’s happened a lot following numerous lockdowns) we can help!
We’ll have a chat beforehand, find out a little bit about you, how your wardrobe needs to work for you, size, likes and dislikes and we’ll pull out a variety of pieces as a starting point. Always fun and informal, it’s a great way to try things you would never pick out yourself, in most cases these are the pieces that leave the shop. Sometimes the things you wouldn’t try become your new favourite shapes.
Our team is relaxed, non pushy and honest, we will give constructive honest feedback on pieces you try and we’ll never let you leave with something that just isn’t right. We want you to look and feel your best and know that the service you’ve had is the best around! It’s a huge honor when women put their trust in us and we see them leave with a newly found style and big confident smile.
So, if you fancy the personal touch, why not drop us a message through social media, email us at or ring the shop on 0191 251 5535 and ask for Lisa or Gillian.